Monday, February 11, 2008

Peaches, YUM YUM and OH YEAH! Size 12's!!! - 02.11.08 - D21P2R4

R4P2 Starting Weight 184.4
Yesterday - 164.8
Today - 164.4
0.4 lb LOSS Overnight
11.0 lb UNDER LIW of Round Three (175.4)
20.0 Lost Since Start of R4 (VLCD) 01/22/08
86.4 Total Lost Since Start of Protocol (VLCD) 06/26/07

Here is my menu for yesterday. This is what I had:

I am going to discuss in detail what I ate yesterday further below, but for the interest of continuity, I am going to post it here as well. Cottage Cheese and Strawberries with Cinnamon for breakfast, brunch was an Omelet (1 whole egg, 2 egg whites) with leftover steak, green onions and tomatoes, I had a snack of a piece of melba toast and fat free cream cheese. Dinner was Cottage Cheese and Peaches! MMMMM - I also splurged with some coffee and cream last night.

A total of around 461 calories divided this way: 14 Fat, 41 Carbs, 45 Protein

GO HERE AND SIGN UP FOR UPCOMING HCG NEWSLETTER!!! I actually have a date! Look for it on February 15th! WOO HOO!!!

Let's not forget the HCG BOOK CLUB - join in on the fun! If you haven't signed up for it yet, please do so now. eMail Address Form

Our FAQ Question this go round is the following, please spend some time if you can answering this survey:

Thank you Becca for answering my FAQ yesterday! New one now!

Since we are on Phase 3 - let's discuss those people out there that actually have a difficult time keeping weight ON during the Phase 3 portion of the Protocol. Yes, there are some out there with this problem. Remember that Dr Simeon's said that it was just as important to keep the weight on as it was to keep it off! So please help out if you can!

Phase 3 - What If You're Still Losing???


Oh yeah! Peaches are one of my favorite fruits. And I live in one of the biggest peach production states that there is! I have stayed away from them this whole protocol totally believing that they were one of the the 'forbidden fruits' - after all, Dr Simeon's never mentioned them so they were NOT allowed. But, as you all know, I am wondering if this was a 'locale' driven decision or some sort of 'chemical' based decision, and the more and more I experiment with things, the more I lean towards a "locale" based synopsis. Now bear in mind that I did enjoy my peaches each and every break!

Just for kicks, I had JPS pull out our old NHW information. Remember, the very first round I did (with the exception of two weeks) was done with NHW - they sent a packet of information with the shots and in looking over it, it was so dang confusing that I said to heck with that, I would just stick with what works with Dr Simeon's and pretty much discarded that information.

Looking over that information NOW after learning all that I have learned with this protocol - I surely see it in different eyes. I still feel their whole "A", "B" and "C" lists are way too confusing for the average person, but I find it interesting all the different things they say you can eat on the protocol.

JPS suggested that I experiment with the stuff that they said was 'allowable' - among some of these things was PEACHES!!! Doncha know I went right out and purchased some frozen peaches right then and there??? Cause ya know, peaches and cottage cheese is even better than strawberries and cottage cheese! ROFL

I certainly enjoyed my peaches last night, plain and simple. Again, I felt like I was sinning! Ohhh, what a deviation!

So what is on the menu for today? I have something up my sleeve, and I would like to see if it works. But I am not sharing yet! ROFL

Here are the numbers for those of you following:

Day 20 (Complete) - Round 4 = 10.85% Body Weight Loss
Day 20 (Complete) - Round 3 = 9.21% Body Weight Loss
Day 20 (Complete) - Round 2 = 8.12% Body Weight Loss
Day 20 (Complete) - Round 1 = 7.74% Body Weight Loss

Quite frankly, I am completely amazed at the losses I am experiencing. I am not gonna lie to you, nope. I am freaking myself out at the rate at which I am losing this round and that I continue to lose. Even through the experiments, and most of all, through TOM - what is THAT about???

I am thrilled that I am having an opportunity to test my theories, after all, I don't have that much further to go ya know? It kind boggles my mind that I am this close to goal. I don't think that the reality has sunk in yet.


I was having another one of those days yesterday, it's like all of a sudden, I can't find anything to wear. It's like almost overnight, things just DON'T fit anymore. JPS was laughing as I was looking for something to put on. She looked at me and said, Biz, do you want to try these jeans on? Like she wanted me to try on the jeans SHE had on right then and there. I was like, JPS, those are stinkin' size 12's, um NO - there is NO way I could fit in those. And she was like, Biz, um, have you seen yourself lately? You need to try them on, I bet you they would fit. I was like, ok, let me teach you a lesson and hand them over.

People??? THEY FIT!!! I didn't have to lay in the bed, I didn't have to do anything but just PUT THEM ON and THEY FIT! OMG! SIZE 12'S!!!!!!!!!!! JEANS!!!!!!!!!! ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

That was just a little bit freaky. I am officially a lower weight than my husband. A lower weight than he has ever seen me. I am now fitting in clothes that JPS wears??? We have always been like 2 sizes apart, all throughout this protocol, and right now, at this moment, I am fitting in the same size as her. Granted, the jeans are getting too loose on her and they were snug on me, but still???? TOO FREAKY!!!

Now this kinda worried me a bit. I have to go to California on the 20th. I started to pick out clothes that I was gonna take with me when I went, and people? I don't think they are gonna fit. Now my sister says she has a bunch of clothes for me so I don't need much, but still. You want things you are familiar with ya know? At least for a little while. Geesh, life should be this hard.

So, over this next week before I leave, I will be going through clothes again. Getting rid of things that don't fit. Geesh.

On to my commenter's - these are my responses to yesterday's comments:

Crystal - HA! Going over NHW's menu??? That pretty much freaked me out. The biggest thing they said that had me howling? Do not do meat and fish in the same day! HA! I have some of my biggest losses doing that! ROFL

Lili - LOL - It was Ivory my hubby used. And only had to do it once it made such an impression! Hey girl, I tried to call you back yesterday, and it went to your voice mail but I don't think it let me leave a message, I couldn't tell. But I tried twice! Today?

Shelly - Oh my! I need to run over to your blog and check out what happened??? Girl, don't follow the wayward path of BIZ!

EweWho - Your talking of Shaklee's stuff sure brings back fond memories - Basic H, I grew UP on that stuff - I really need to get with you on this stuff ... but you know how I feel about joining up. UGH - I just want the PRODUCT! I seriously thought I was gonna have a bounce back from the beer day, cause alcohol and all, but it looks like that feeling was unfounded. What do I need to do???

Monica - Thank you my sweet!!!! You had a STELLER break, GO YOU!

Tracey - Thanks for asking about the disease. It's my understanding that the disease is located in the cornea and so yes, by having a cornea transplant it should stop it. But I will ask her for sure. And WOO HOO on you being back!

Mary - Seriously Mary, I don't know what I am doing right. You know, you have been with me a while, I am usually BY THE BOOK. And yet??? This is SO WEIRD!

Liz - Wouldn't that just be a HOOT??? My body can lose on anything??? Geesh, I should be granted this great wish, for what reason??? Is it because I have DONE MY TIME??? Who knows, but I will take it!

Becca - I hope the green beans work for you, Ms Snow Bunny! I bet you wowed them on the slopes this weekend!
Have a wonderful day people!



maryg911 said...

Wow, you are just rawkin' and rollin'!!!

So are you going to continue with a short round or are you just going to go straight through till you meet your goal? I know you're planning your trip in a week or so but a small break would do you fine no?

I love peaches and cottage cheese as well as pineapple, is that on the list? Please tell me it is!!

Crystal Lee said...

Holy hell girl! Size 12 you rock on!! :D
Well I am so happy for you that the peaches are working for ya. I might have to try it too...I just happened to find my NHW menu the other day when I was cleaning. LOL I think pretty much all fruits are on there at one point or another it was just the whole mixing thing, right? Eating the A,B and C foods together was just their biggest thing.

(shakes her head in confusion.) LOL


Ed & Jennifer said...

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack! So I missed out on the beer, the peaches and the size 12's?! OMG! I can't trust you for even a minute-LOL!

Remember I told you that if you drank beer you'd probably pull a 1 pounder?! See....I told you! Is anything going to stall you? Really!

I'm cheering you on girlfriend! I missed you!

smacmo said...

OMG! Size 12's, peaches and a great loss. Does it get any better????? Congrats!!!!!

Tracey said...

You go girl! Melting away before our eyes. I know it has to feel so good. Just think a whole new wardrobe is waiting for you in California. Love peaches too, will have to check them out in the future. Keep that scale moving kiddo!

Burcu J said...

WOW.Lady.. Size 12... BIG CONRATS!!
I was size 18-20 when I started I been wearing size 14 since last week..little tight on me but still good huh..I am so happy for you.. Keep up the great work..oh.. virtual you looks HOT ;)

Seraphim sigh said...

Wow Biz. Look at the virtual you! You look totally amazing. I can't wait to see your end of round photos. I'm 13 days into round 2, p2. I finally found someone who will prescribe Hcg in Australia for me! Yippee.

The cottage cheese idea was a lifesaver . Having trouble filling up the calories and it feels like such a splurge. Heaven. Never even eaten it before, now I'm addicted.
I'll email you properly soon.

Karen M-M said...

Size 12's????? OHHH My Gravey!!!
(now do't go sperimentin wif gravey!) I've looked at the NHW file on the board and went stir crazy. If you can shed some light on it, many of us would be very greatful.
Congrats on your loses and successes in your speriments. I've got the cottage cheese and will pick up peaches tonight, unless the snow piles up. Thanks for maknig the journey so much easier.

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