Saturday, August 25, 2007

August 24, 2007 - Day 1 on Phase 3

(Direct copy and paste from my post at the HcgDieters Yahoo Group)

Good Morning,

I have been neglecting my updates haven't I? Oh well, I will do better
I promise!

I have had absolutely no hunger during my 72 hours since last injection
weight. I even lost more weight! I am now 1.6 pounds under LIW - so I
have some room to play with for the next 3 or so weeks (remember, I am
only taking a 3 week break).

Today starts my Phase 3 eating. This morning I had a cup of coffee and
a one egg omelet, cooked in butter with swiss cheese and onions. I am
STUFFED! And I am ONLY up to 286 calories so far! I gotta get a handle
on this, I am aiming for 1500 calories today. I am going to the store
this morning and buying the food I need for this weekend. I have begged
my husband to make me ribs today because I have missed pork
unbelievably! JPS mentioned she wanted me to make some
Spinach/Artichoke dip so I am buying the stuff necessary for that.

Sorry, if this makes any of you salivate, but hey, I put in my 8 weeks
of hard labor! LOL

I will let you know as the day progresses what I am eating. I honestly
cannot believe that this one egg omelet almost looked too big for me to
eat, and before I did this protocol, I wasn't satiated with a three egg
omelet! LOL

Seriously folks, I am STUFFED!

I am starting Phase 3 at 212.2 - who would have thunk?

Thanks for the support! I really appreciate each and everyone of you.



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