Saturday, August 25, 2007

August 25, 2007 - Day 2 on Phase 3

(Direct copy and paste from my post at the HcgDieters Yahoo Group)

Good Morning!

Yesterday completed my first Phase 3 day - eating anything I wanted but
staying off of sugars and starches.

Ok, phase 3 isn't all it's chalked up to be. I dreamed of the food I
wanted for a few weeks. I knew what my menu would be, and do you know
there were only THREE things that I really enjoyed - my BING CHERRIES,
my PORK RIBS and I had a beer. Everything else was blah. What really
shocked me was I wanted blue cheese dressing SO bad during my whole
round - and my FAVE blue cheese dressing "Maries" didn't taste like I
remembered. Even tho it's got pretty good stuff in it, it was very
chemically tasting and really, not at all like I thought it would taste.
I was highly disappointed. It makes me want to go back to braggs and

I enjoyed my omelet, I really enjoyed my cherries, and my salad for
lunch was ok, then I had a peach for a snack and then my dinner.
Mmmmmm, pork ribs with a dry rub. Grilled to perfection. My husband
cooked some portebellos with butter and garlic and I enjoyed a couple of
slices of those, and then my salad. This time I sprayed a bit of that
WishBone spritzers in Ceaser flavor and that was a bit better. I had my
beer, all in all I totalled about 1700 - I wanted to be between 1500 -

Do you know that I lost weight this morning??? I am now 2.2 pounds
UNDER my LIW - who would have even DREAMED that I would lose weight
after all that food I ate? What am I going to have to do? DRINK FAT???
I can't imagine needing to go up to 2000 calories just to maintain my
weight??? That is LUDICROUS!

So, today is a concentrated effort to down 1800 calories. It wont be
easy - honest to goodness folks, it was HARD eating yesterday. JPS
thinks I may have HCG in my system still. I don't know, but it took me
almost an hour to eat my dinner. I took some ribs and only ate like
half and let them sit there and tried awhile later to finish.

Ok, that is my first day experience...stay tuned for day 2.



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