Saturday, September 22, 2007

September 22, 2007 - Day 7 of VLCD (Round Two)

Round 2 Starting Weight 214.4
Yesterday 206.8
Today 206.2 (?)*
.6 Lost Overnight (?)*
8.2 Lost Since Start of Round Two (VLCD) 09/16/07 (?)*
44.6 Lost Since Start of Protocol (VLCD) 06/26/07 (?)*

Here is my menu.


*Ok - Since I am being MORE than candid in my reports (updates), I have to state that I really don't know how much I weigh today. My son, who had his last injection on Thursday had to head out of town so I let him take my GOOD scale. He has far more important weigh ins for today and tomorrow than I do. I have my OLD scale that I am using. I made sure yesterday that I placed my OLD scale in a spot on the floor that it wouldn't move so I could be reasonably sure it would weigh me semi correctly. I weighed myself yesterday on both scales and marked down both weights. I know the difference between the two - so anyhoo, just for kicks I weighed myself on my OLD scale and it says I lost two pounds. Oh well ... I just know that isn't true, so I am giving myself a .6 loss and will wait until I know for sure on Monday morning.

So that out of the way, I didn't do my Thai Salad yesterday, but instead I mixed up some Taco Seasoning from Renee's site and I had Beef Fajitas for lunch and Shrimp Fajitas for dinner! Don't worry folks, I gave Miss Renee my recipe for the fajitas which I am sure she will post. You will need to go over to HCG RECIPES and join her blog to get updates on her recipes! I went there this morning and she posted my recipe for Creole Catfish! How utterly cool is that! We are working together on some of my recipes so stay tuned!

My good friend JPS had passed down a pair of brown slacks to me. Remember my brown pants story yesterday? Well these are a completely different pair. I slipped them on yesterday and during the day, I kept having to pull them up. I was like, what is WITH these pants. It didn't even register that they might have been TOO BIG for me! What is funny is that it took tripping on the bottom of the legs about 5 times yesterday before I finally said, this is NUTS! I can't fit in these things! Seriously, there was NO thought in my head that they were too big. My mind wouldn't let me comprehend that they were too big!

Now let me explain something here. JPS is about 30 pounds lighter than me. She wore these pants on the last round until they literally FELL OFF HER. Every time she would come to my house with these pants on I would laugh and tell her that they were TOO BIG for her butt and that it was TIME to give them to me. She never wanted to part with them. NEVER. Finally she had to. Now, I waited TOO long to wear them! OMG! So, I will wash them and give them back to her proudly! HA!

You know, I thought about setting up a interim swap thing for people losing and needing clothes...but by the time you go off and send them they probably wont fit in them anymore! OMG!

Miss Lilly is supposed to be sending me some stuff this week. Some large shirts. I said, don't be surprised if I have to send them back! ROFL

Ok, I know I keep telling you to be prepared for something brewing behind the scenes, well, we are ALMOST ready for release ... it will be all goose pimply I promise!




Amy's Blog said...

I seem to always read your blog before I get the email... I subscribe just so I can read it a second time :-) The taco seasoning sounds great. I can't wait to try the fajitas. I plan to do some more shopping tomorrow.

wecandoit3 said...

I want the Thai Salad recipe too, please! :) So glad you and Renee are working on recipes together. I tried one today that I must simply say I will not ever, ever share with anyone...Yuck! ;)

Hurray on finding that the clothes are starting to be wayyy too big! :) Best wishes to your son!

BizBuzz said...

Thanks for the visit Amy! Go do some good shopping!

SB! Renee will be posting it shortly, I guarantee it! I saw your post, if I cooked anything with canned asparagus, I would have a conniption! That stuff is GROSS! Get some FRESH asparagus! What a world of difference that will be! Thanks for the visit!

wecandoit3 said...

I forgot to buy the fresh this morning! WHAAA!!!!

Renee said...

Love the new site look, you incredible shrinking woman!

I can't have beef today so I'll be fixing the Thai salad tomorrow or the next day to work out the measurements. I need to go out & grab some more cucumber too! The silly kids ate them all. Darn them! ;)

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