Sunday, November 25, 2007

November 25, 2007 - Round 3 - 2nd "Load" Day

Last Injection Weight - 187.4
Today's Weight - 191.6
Yesterday's Weight - 190.4
1.2 lb GAIN
From Yesterday's Weight
4.2 lb Over LIW

Here is my menu for yesterday.


Thanks for all the well wishes yesterday. I am feeling better than I have since Thursday, but still not 100%. Yesterday was a very rough day for me, but I rested all day and downed myself with lots of vitamins and liquids. My friend JPS went out and got some "Chinese" food for us (all the boys are out of town this weekend) and I had some good Won Ton Soup and some Steamed Dumplings. I am sure my weight gain is from all of that, after all, this is a "load".

I appreciate the thoughts that I should wait with the protocol until I get better, but since I am a SAHM I really don't have any "need" to get better quick. I will let this nasty thing take it's course and what better way to attempt 500 cals but when your sick. I can make soup all day and be happy ya know?

This will be another day of rest for me. I surely appreciate the visits - I feel so honored to have regulars on my blog. Please allow me one more day to get over this and I promise I will make my rounds once again.

I am ready for this upcoming round. Mentally.



Anonymous said...

I sure hope you feel better soon! There are an awful lot of nasty viruses going around right now. I'm glad you have a friend as local and sweet as JPS to help take care of you.

I know you haven't "made the rounds" but honey, I can't thank you enough for pushing me to list on etsy. I only a little up, but the majority has sold! I listed Hawaii earrings first in tribute to you -- if you like them you MAY NOT buy them - you may have them. If they're your thang. If not, no harm, no foul.

So -- get better quick! And you're right -- lots of soup will help! xoxo --

Amy's Blog said...

I'm so glad you are on the mend! And happy that you are resting... please do not worry about blog rounds! I think today is your second load day, so I hope you eat all you want, plus some.

Tracey said...

Rest..Rest..Rest!!! That should be the order of the day! Glad to see you are on starting on the upswing.

Crystal Lee said...

See girl I leave for one lousy weekend and you go and get sick on me! :P
Sorry to hear you are under the weather hon. And yes, rest is the best medicine. Our bodies are amazing at restoring themselves.
I say go for it with the diet plan! I agree soup and more soup is what you need.
Feel better


Burcu J said...

I'm glad you are feeling better. Keep resting and get your energy back. Have a good Sunday :)

Lisa Larson said...

Sorry to hear you're under the weather. Sending you some "healing vibes"! Be well!

Becca said...

Hey Biz, sounds like you may be on the downhill side of this bug. Hope you're back closer to 100% by tomorrow! I was starting to get sick last week on my return trip from Ohio and positive thinking and my GOOD immune system saved me. I lost my voice but never really got to feeling bad enough to take to my bed. Thank goodness! So Hang in there and hope you're better soon!


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