Thursday, November 8, 2007

November 8, 2007 - Day 9 on Phase 3 (R2)

Last Injection Weight - 187.4
Today's Weight 188.4
Yesterday's Weight 188.8
0.4 Loss From Yesterday
1.0 lb Over LIW

Here is my menu for yesterday.


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First things first, what was my menu like yesterday? Let me start this by saying that I really, REALLY felt in the ZONE yesterday, first day in a LONG time (like almost three weeks) that I didn't have unreal protein cravings, in fact, I felt no hunger all day, felt like I did my first P3 round, which was a nice feeling. I ate what I wanted, when I wanted, and it was a very nice feeling.

My menu:

Breakfast: Coffee with Half and Half and a Pumpkin Serniki (WHAT ELSE???)
Mid Morning Snack: Leftover Grilled Pork Ribs
Lunch: Cauliflower Casserole (Recipe Posted on the left!)
Mid Afternoon Snack: That Strawberry/Cottage Cheese thing! OMG! I LOVE THIS!
Dinner: Salad made of Lettuce / Tomatoes / Avocado / Onions with a dressing of Vinegar / Oil / Soy Sauce / Pepper
Dessert: Apple with Peanut Butter (Smuckers Natural)
Total cals about 1750 separated into the following: 116 Fat, 77 Carbs and 108 Protein - Ok, I did better on the protein yesterday than the day before, but I need to bring it up a bit more. Will concentrate on that today.

Ok, where did I leave off yesterday? Questioning my decision about using half and half during the P2 portion of the protocol. Oh yeah!

Why would I now question what I felt was a sound decision for me to make? The decision was made with lots of thought and I even was prepared to suffer the consequences. Well, I had to keep thinking to myself, what makes this 2nd of my P2 and P3 different then my 1st round. Is there anything to glean from the two rounds and how I did them and relate them to how this one is going?

Looking back, I did everything BY THE BOOK on my first round. Everything. No deviations and I had a stupendous P2 round and an even more stupendous P3 - I basically flew thru P3 with no issues. In fact, if you look back, I was not wanting to eat, not hungry, food was uninteresting and I was just eating to live on my P3. What was different?

Was it the half and half? Could that have been the one thing that would lead me to believe that would make my difficulties in this round different? So, being REAL, I really started to look at my R2P2 - I did more than just add half and half to my day. I rationalized that since I could do half and half and still lose, why couldn't I add a piece of pork and still lose? If I could add that piece of pork, why couldn't I add tomatoes to my lettuce (and fool myself into believing that it was a piece of fruit). If I could add tomatoes, why couldn't I add onions to that same salad, and then fool myself even more to add some store bought "natural" salsa to that same salad because hey, they were all made of the same stuff.

So in other words, because I allowed myself that one thing, half and half, did it lead to letting me add more and more things? The last two weeks of my R2P2 were horrible for me. Seriously, I had these unreal cravings for protein that were just overpowering. I don't know where they came from, but they were there. I started eating beef two times a day (not a good idea) and then not eating my fruit and using tomatoes as a fruit ... my losses the last two weeks of my R2P2 were 2.8 and 2.4 - still respectable mind you, but not in comparison to my first four 7.6, 6.2, 4.0 and 4.0 - relationship? I don't know, but it sure is worth considering.

Now let's forward that to my R2P3 experience. Last round, I continued to lose after my last injection for five days. This round? Sitting the same until I started eating normal food and then gain, gain, gain until I needed a Steak Day - then an Egg Day. I may be over analyzing this thing, but I believe that there is some relation to my P2 experience and my P3 experience. Did I allow my "diencephelon" to rest properly during my P2 so that my P3 would work better? I don't think I did, with all my 'deviations'.

I know that I will stabilize this P3 - but how long will it take? Will it take the entire three weeks this time? I don't know, like I said before, I felt different yesterday, different than I had in three weeks. So is this the stabilizing stage, that moment that you know your body has finally listened to you and said, ok, this is the new set point for now, not that "other" weight, but this one.

Hmmmm, I hope I made some sense, most likely this is a let down from yesterday, it's just my thoughts tho, what I think might have happened to make my P3 experience what it is. I can tell you this with ALL certainty, I am going to do my NEXT P2 "BY THE BOOK" - no deviations, no strays, just like the Dr ordered. At that point we will really be able to see what is what.

Ok, let me wet your appetite for tomorrows post ... let's delve into this 'Fear of Success' thing a bit more. That will be the subject of conversation tomorrow.

Until then people, have a really good day. It's COOOOLLLLLDDDD here, well, cold for US in the SOUTH! It's 37 degrees out there! That is ridiculous for South Carolina!!! But it is SUNSHINY!!!



Anonymous said...

I'm sort of doing the same thing with my P2R2 -- not being quite as strict. And like you I knew that my results might not be as stellar, but I accepted and owned my cheats, as I know I was starting my P2R2 right as the Great Big Ball of Holidaze were beginning to roll. I haven't gone back over my records from last tound, but I suspect I'm not losing as quickly.

And I was not as patient as you, only did 2 weeks of P3. So, we'll see if it's harder for me to maintain on my next P3.

Part of me wonder if this P3 of yours is harder partly because you're so much skinnier now than your last P3 - your body's primal urge to not die of starvation is weakly raising it's head, etc.... It will be interesting to watch your next round doing everything by the book.

As always, thanks for your great post!

Jeff said...

Hey Biz - You're doing great! I love reading your blog. If you want to use me as your 'poster child' for fear of success, I'll understand! LOL ;)


Crystal Lee said...

Hey girlie girl. Nice post and very informative. Since I do not drink coffee on a regular basis I didnt think it would hurt to use the half and half but I totally can see if we being to make "deviations" from the protocol how we are opening doors for other alternatives.

I didnt gain the full 5-6 pounds back last night and I am still under my LIW! Yea me! I was a bit nervous. I am also taking that Smooth Move laxative tea that seems to really help me. I took it two days in a row b/c of my severe need to "feel" better. SO I am cool now and will chill with the tea until Sun or Monday. (if i need it)

I am hoping since I did not gain that much last night (2 lbs) that my body is beginning to balance out a bit.

Okay Miss is cold over here in Memphis too! :D Take care cutie! Your TN neighbor!


Burcu J said...

Hello Biz,
I couldn't get on it yesterday. something was wrong with blogger. Anyways I enjoy reading your blog, it's like I can't wait to read everyday. There are some people talking about taking less calori then 500 helps them lose it more quicker. some people even taking the melba toast or grissini out. just veggies and meat. Everybody doing what they works for them. I think I will do it exactly what Dr.S says. You have a great day :)

Amy's Blog said...

You could be right about why this round is different from your last. It's quite a big deal that you are feeling the zone. IMO that is a bigger goal than the weight loss. So I hope it stays!!

Your menu looks delicious & your foods seem perfect. Thanks for posting the cauliflower recipe! :-))

Congratulations on your stable weight!

Crystal Lee said...

BTW girl! Holy cow I am cooking that Mexican Pizza Dip thingy and it smells soooo good. :D Thanks for the recipe!


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