Monday, December 10, 2007

December 10, 2007 - Day 15 of VLCD (Round 3)

R3P2 Starting Weight 193.2
Yesterday - 179.2
Today - 179.2
0.0 lb LOSS Overnight
8.2 UNDER LIW of Round Two
14.0 Lost Since Start of R3 (VLCD) 11/26/07
35.2 Lost Since Start of R2 (VLCD) 09/16/07
71.6 Lost Since Start of R1 (VLCD) 06/26/07

Here is my menu for yesterday.


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End of Preview Commercial!

What did I eat yesterday? I had coffee with 2% milk, grapefruit, beef and cabbage soup, apple and Thai Chicken! I have to get you folks the recipe for that.

My first stall this round. Ask me if I care? Um, NOPE! But here is the interesting thing about this weekend. I had a lot of stress. And yesterday? I didn't drink the water I normally drink and I had lots of sodium. My rings are a little snug so if I concentrate on the 'norm' today, I think I will see a big number in the morning. No worries you all, I'm not.

Totally excellent post on Imago Embraced last night, please take a moment and read it. How appropriate it is for my topic about Plateaus, he said it way better than I ever could - I just love how this guy takes life's experiences and relates them to the protocol. Believe me tho, I have alot to say on the subject of plateaus too!

Time is just vanishing from me this morning, with the pics and measurements and everything, I just didn't think it through about what I wanted to talk about today, but sorry folks, I will have to approach the "plateau" talk tomorrow, ugh. I am like those blasted tv shows that leave you hanging, but seriously, I don't do it on purpose, I just gotta manage my time better! ROFL

No update on my son until tomorrow. He had tinges of wanting to go off protocol this weekend, I am sure spending time with other kids his age this weekend did something to affect him. Please send good vibes his way - he only has 9 more injections until he is done with his 21 effective doses, but he needs all the help he can get.

Update on JPS? She lost 1.2 overnight! She was freakin! LOL - 156.8 is where she is at as of yesterday. She is thrilled with that because that means she will never have to see the 160's again for a steak day! ROFL

Picture Day! Remember, that these are all clickable for larger view!


Neck Oct 28th = 13" / Dec 10th = 13.0" (NO LOSS)
Bicep Oct 28th = 12.50" / Dec 10th = 12.50" (NO LOSS)
Forearm Oct 28th = 9.50" / Dec 10th = 9.50" (NO LOSS)
Chest Oct 28th = 39.00" / Dec 10th = 39.00" (NO LOSS)
Waist Oct 28th = 35.50" / Dec 10th = 34.50" (Loss of 1.00")
Hips Oct 28th = 46.00" / Dec 10th = 43.00" (Loss of 3.00")
Thigh Oct 28th = 24.50" / Dec 10th = 24.50" (NO LOSS)
Calf Oct 28th = 15.75" / Dec 10th = 15.50" (Loss of 0.25")

Total Loss is 4.25"!!!! Keep in mind this is the total loss THIS ROUND! I don't know about you, but isn't it amazing to see how the HCG just concentrates on specific fat? Obviously, I need to lose more on my hips then anywhere else! WOW, that is all I can say is WOW!!!

On to my commenter's:
Lili - Can I just say I adore you too!

Crystal - I am certainly NOT going to tell you what to do, but maybe taking this opportunity to grow and strengthen yourself would be a good thing? I certainly know how the scale can play mind games with you. But if I were you, and I am NOT, but if I were in your situation, I would want to document every single day what is happening with my body. With this protocol, we are finding out all the little nuances our body goes thru. This information would prove invaluable to me come future times. I could see with each and every round how my body is being affected by the little things the scale says to me daily. But that is ME, not you, so you do what is comfortable for you. I certainly understand. The scale is sometimes our enemy.

Jennifer - ewwww! I don't even LIKE Mt Dew! It's about the worst tasting drink known to man! I am so glad it was just a dream! First, to answer your question, I dislike IMMENSELY the word "Cheat" - it has such a horrible connotation. I much rather use the word "deviate" and yes, I have deviated from the protocol on several occasions. On my first round, during the first 6 of the 8 weeks I was on the protocol, I didn't deviate once. On the last two weeks, I had a beer one night. On my second round, during the round I used Half and Half in my coffee the entire time, and sometimes 2 tbsp! During the last two weeks of that round, I had HORRIBLE protein cravings and sometimes had days where I only ate ground beef with salsa and lettuce all day long, getting more than my allotted protein in, but the cravings were horrible. I also ate pork. And toward the last couple of days, I was very loose with mixing veggies, but mostly just adding onions to things. Sweetners? I think different people react differently to them. You have to test them for yourself. Thanks for the questions!

Ewewho - HA! Yes we are neck and neck girlfriend! WOO HOO, this round is kicking butt and taking names! Stall? Schmall! Body just needs to play catchup!

Mary - Yup, I have TWO teenagers and one on the way, I need more than good weight loss vibes that is for sure! ROFL

Larbsl - Thanks for the check in sweetie, looking forward to seeing your update sometime this morning! So glad you joined the book club!!!

CB - OH YES CB!!! Thanks so much for checking in! I know you have had a rough few days, but it's all about the process my sweet. Let it happen and it will take care of you. Honest. YES! I might just beat my goal! WOO HOO FOR ME!

Amy - Yup! Primping is my new thang! LOL - I am sorry I have to delay the plateau talk, time just ran away from me this morning. UGH

Becca - WOO HOO! Another one bites the dust! Glad to have you a part of the book club!

B - Thanks for the visit! Looking forward to your update!
Until tomorrow, keep up the good work!



Amy's Blog said...

Woo HOO on your inches lost! Your pictures tell the story... your losses show wonderfully! I'm smiling about where you lost inches because I also measured this morning & found that I'm losing just in certain areas. I'll post mine tonight. No rush about the stall talk. Stalls will always be here! LOL! Hope you have a great day!

I'm sending my best 'don't want to eat' vibes to your son. Congrats to JPS!

Crystal Lee said...

Oh poo I was hoping for the discussion but seriously girl, I understand about time.

Okay so I sucked it up and got on the scale anyway (I kinda knew I would). I am down 1.0 pound!

Your pics look fabulous! Whoohoo! And HOW can you say Mt Dew is nasty?! I love the stuff! LOL I also like Cherry Coke but that is another story. I am trying to ween myself off of the sodas....period. I can tell it slows the weightloss immediately. :P

Okay have a beautiful day!

*** LED Sign of the Times *** said...

Biz, what happened to your ba-donk-a-donk? OMG you look soooo good! I can't believe the difference. You deserve it Biz! Thank you so much for the correction on deviating (I hate the word "cheat" to). You are such a postive person and a great example of strength to me! When you did deviate how did it affect the scale? No stress today girlfriend-sending you good thoughts.
P.S. My hunger this round is killing me! VLCD 12, 175 iu-I thought it would be better by now. I just keep telling myself "half way done, you can do it!"

Michaela said...

Wow, those pics are amazing you skinny minny!

Sending good vibes and prayers for your son... that is around the time that I was struggling to stay on protocol... of course I was at my parent's with all kinds of temptations - probably not unlike him being with his friends and Dad.

Have a good one...

Tracey said...

Wow... is that the incredible shrinking woman I see? It looks like it! No wonder you saw someone else staring back at you! And like you sweat on the scale not moving. Our bodies fluctuates with water so often.

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