Saturday, December 29, 2007

December 29, 2007 - Day 10 of Phase 3 (Round 3)

LIW - 175.4 lbs (12/17/07)
Today's Weight - 178.6 lbs


Well, well, lookie there. Seriously, not worried yet, so don't you all be either ok? I am just settling into Phase 3 here, and giving my body a chance to get used to food. I am not eating anything out of the ordinary, I think I might have done a disservice to myself by kinda going off plan when I was traveling, and now my body is trying to figure out where I am wanting it to be.

One other thing, I am not 'regular' as of yet, so that is a definite issue and will correct itself soon.

What did I eat yesterday? For breakfast, I of course had my coffee with cream, and then some cottage cheese and strawberries. For a snack I had Salami and Cheese. For lunch I had a large salad with a bit of leftover steak. For dinner I had salad, green beans, hashed radishes, broccoli, and grilled country style ribs. All in all about 1700 calories, divided 127 g Fat, 39 g Carbs, and 101 g Protein. Not to bad, but way different than I have been eating, so the gain I would imagine.

Seems like more than a few of us regular bloggers will be starting another round of Phase 2 come the first of the year. Some of us immediately, and some more in the middle of the month. This will be exciting to be all doing this together again, getting back into the routine of losing the pounds and inches.

What are we all going to do come summer time when most of us are done? Or at least close to it. Are we all going to give up blogging? In my opinion, I believe that the maintaining part of the protocol is JUST as important as the protocol itself. I know I for one will continue to need the support of all of you, so I am know I am being selfish, but I hope all of you keep updating and letting everyone know how things are going.

Ok, that is about it for today - things really will pick up after the first of the year.

On to my commenter's:

Mary - HA! It will be a good sappy Mary, no worries. And anyhoo, sometimes we all need a good cry! ROFL

B - HA! I am glad YOU have some faith in me! My body doesn't seem to have it! hehe - Really tho, I am not worried, it will settle.

Becca - We will have a lot of fun with the book club Becca, it is a little weird starting off, but it does get quite interesting. I certainly ate enough yesterday, now to let my body settle into this weight thing.
Take care!



Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Miz Sunshine!

Look at the big picture -- yes, your body is trying to regain its equilibrium after being fed off-paln foods. But you know have the experience that give you the confidence that you will NOT GAIN IT ALL BACK. Isn't that remarkable?

I don't know if I will be joining you in January. I'm very blue over it.

*** LED Sign of the Times *** said...

Hey Biz!
Oh, I hope you continue your blog always :) you keep me focused! It's so great to have people out there who are consumed with this experience as much as me. Can I get your opinion? We are debating if we want to do the "planned interruption lasting less than 2 weeks" but I was wondering about the immunity issue. We did 21 effective days (injections everyday) so now we would go another 17 days (for a total of 40 injections) do you think we should do injections everyday or skip on Sunday as Dr. S says when doing the full 40 days? Also do you know of anyone who has done it longer than 40 days and still lost? Thanks for any thoughts Biz! So when are you starting your next round? Oh, and just so you know my hubby is eating and drinking anything he wants and isn't gaining (like your son)...what's up with that?

maryg911 said...

Please keep on blogging away, I plan on continuing since I feel it keeps me focused and it beats writing it in a journal!! I personally need your daily inspirations to keep me going!! Now let's figure out what is going on.

beachbrights said...

Hey Girl, quick question....

I've noticed some talk on HCG2 Yahoo site about EAS shake drinks being used on you have an opinion?

Thanks! I am still checking in on you everyday, sorry for being so silent these days. I'm still sending you those vibes!!


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