Sunday, January 6, 2008

Question Time - HCG Success Story Interviews - 01.06.08 - D18P3R3

LIW - 175.4 lbs (12/17/07)
Today's Weight - 178.6 lbs

Here is my menu for yesterday. This is what I had:

Breakfast: Coffee with Cream - a small slice of DR Fudge (Found out this is called Dulce de Leche)
Mid Morning Snack: A serving of my Eggplant Lasagna
Lunch: Ate at Cracker Barrel - ate from their low carb menu - Chicken Tenderloins with Bacon and Colby Cheese, a double salad with Peppercorn Dressing and green beans
Mid Afternoon Snack: Praline Pecans (these are sinful)
Dinner: At at Wild Wing - had 5 wings and a serving of nachos with chili and a salad with blue cheese dressing
Dessert: More Praline Pecans

A total of over 2000 cals (this is an estimation) divided this way: 119 Fat, 106 Carbs, 112 Protein (need to focus on NO MORE SWEETS! ROFL)

GO HERE AND SIGN UP FOR UPCOMING HCG NEWSLETTER!!! We are really trying to get this out, I am looking at Monday - thank you all for being patient!

Lise is still looking for support for her Teeth Fund, if there is ANY way you can help her, please pay attention to this Preview Commercial - her date of takeoff to Costa Rica is the 8th (I was mistaken) - I will keep it up until she leaves on that day:

End of Preview Commercial!

Here is the eMail form for signing up for the New Book Club! WOO HOO! I did my part, I read what I was supposed to read and I filled out the post, now I am just waiting for comments! If you have a chance today, go to the HCG BOOK CLUB and join in on the fun! If you haven't signed up for it yet, please do so now. eMail Address Form

Thank you Jeanne for filling out my FAQ question. Anyone else want to help me with my FAQ on TOM / Aunt Flo issues? I will leave it up until Monday morning and then we will start a new one. Again, the FAQ form has only one question on it, you can take as much room as you like, it should be able to handle your response.

Please take a few moments to fill this form out:

TOM / Aunt Flo Issues on the Protocol

Let's Play Pretend

Just for a moment or two, let's pretend you are this big wig famous television interviewer (like let's say Barbara Walters, Katie Couric, Walter Cronkite) and you wanted to interview little ole me about my journey using the HCG Protocol for weight loss.

What would be the questions you would most want answers to?

Why am I doing this? I would like to start conducting interviews of various people that have been successful on this protocol, and what got them to that point. If I ask you, my readers what you would want to know about my journey, I would have a good set of thoughts that would lead to a great interview.

As usual, I count on all of you, my readers, to help me put a framework of intelligence into a simple process. What would I do without you all???

Some guidelines to follow:
1) Post as many questions as you think are relevant - you can use any form you like, either by using the comment section here on the blog, or the tag board located on my left side bar, or my web submission contact form on the right side bar, or you can write me directly at bizadventure at comcast dot net

2) Even if you feel that your question might be repetitive (such as someone else has asked it), please ask it anyway.

3) You will have until Wednesday Morning to come up with some questions. At that point I will gather them all and then put them into a coherent order.

4) Anyone who participates in this little assignment will receive a special little thank you gift from me (this will be something tangible and sent to you through snail mail - so I will need your snail mail address - if your comfortable doing that sort of thing - sorry, I have to limit this little thing to USA residents only). Please do not post your address here, I will write you personally for any information I might need from you. If you prefer not to receive anything via snail mail, please post questions anyway. This part is NOT a requirement!!!

5) Have fun with this, please don't think any question is too personal - if it's something that I might not want to answer, I will let you know, but keep in mind that these questions will be used as a guideline for future interviews.
This ties into what I wanted to talk about today anyway - my history of the protocol.

On to my commenter's - these are my responses to yesterday's comments:
Lili - OMG - you are way too funny! I enjoyed chatting with you yesterday on my way out of town, you are seriously a funny, funny lady! I have added that link to my favorite recipes, as this stuff is truly divine, I have to say! I love this line "Envisioning success creates success" - AWESOME!

Mary - You are so welcome! I enjoy it, seriously! But I really enjoy it when YOU folks blog better! ROFL

Winston - It's SO good to have you back my friend! I know I am not the only one that can say, WE MISSED YOU! How utterly COOL that you made it throughout the holiday's UNSCATHED! I hope you updated!!!

Jennifer - it is MOST important that you blog, you are the perfect candidate for this medium. Your energetic, fully of bubbly information, and you are surely inquisitive and desire information. By blogging you will fulfill ALL of those things my sweet! I will DEFINITELY help you start! Can you get on some sort of IM message thingie? I even don't mind calling you to help you get started, just let me know. If you want me to call, don't post your phone number here, write me an email ok? I am so glad yesterday's post was what you needed. I felt compelled to write it, there was a reason for me to do it eh?

Becca - as time goes on, I find more and more similarities between us. I am a step parent as well! I have two step sons and my daughter is OURS. I don't like sharing things about my personal life either, some things need to remain "mine" ya know? But I don't mind sharing things as they pertain to the protocol. But I try to stay "vague" - my family hasn't asked to be a part of this internet community, so I only share tidbits as it relates to MY journey using this protocol...make sense???
Take care people, sorry this was so late today!!!



maryg911 said...

Ok, so now I need to sit down and put my thinking cap on. I always wondered if someone interviewed me about this journey what exactly to say. Now I can turn the tables and ask someone else, ha!!

Anonymous said...

Less than a pound gain from all those yummy praline pecans? See -- if you're gonna splurge, go for the GOOD stuff -- you don't need to eat as much.

I had a great time yesterday talking to you -- I am running around like a crazy person trying to get organized for my trip, but will call when I have a moment. AND -- I will come up with some question before I go. I'm a slut for a promise of a prezzie.

Becca said...

Biz, I think I'll email you my interview questions. It's funny that I was just thinking about how we are of necessity an underground group. We can't really tell our story to the world or have articles written about us, because we are so afraid to have it yanked away from us. So it's a little different dynamic. I just saw a "People" magazine cover about people who have lost 1/2 their size. i always read each and every one of those avidly. Made me think about our current situation... Maybe I'll write a little bit about that aspect in MY blog in the near future!

Burcu J said...

Hello lady,
I gotta think up some questions.. It sounds like a great idea. You were an inspration to me and many others. I Thank you for that..

Anonymous said...


Can you give me your total diet menu.
I really want to follow you.

Carlos Saunders
hcg diet works

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