Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Success in 21 Days - 01.29.08 - D08P2R4

R4P2 Starting Weight 184.4
Yesterday - 174.0
Today - 172.6
1.4 lb LOSS Overnight
2.8 lb UNDER LIW of Round Three (175.4)
11.8 Lost Since Start of R4 (VLCD) 01/22/08
78.2 Total Lost Since Start of Protocol (VLCD) 06/26/07

Here is my menu for yesterday. This is what I had:

An apple and a half a grapefruit. Lunch was Ground Beef Patty with Lettuce Salad / Mustard Dressing. Dinner was a Creole Catfish - Oh and I had coffee with half and half (1 tbsp) and then some Non Dairy Creamer after that.

A total of around 499 calories divided this way: 12 Fat, 54 Carbs, 55 Protein

GO HERE AND SIGN UP FOR UPCOMING HCG NEWSLETTER!!! It's coming honest! Just waiting on my partner to put the finishing touches on it!

Let's not forget the HCG BOOK CLUB - join in on the fun! If you haven't signed up for it yet, please do so now. eMail Address Form

Our FAQ Question this go round is the following, please spend some time if you can answering this survey:

Thanks goes to Lili, Myisha and Becca for answering the survey. Any others willing to approach this subject?

Foods on Phase 2 - Do Some Work Better Than Others?

Now That Is What I Am Talking About!

HA! See what a little sleep will do to a girl??? It will let her lose. Ok folks, today it really hit me, do you see how close I am to the 160's??? That pretty much BLEW my mind! It just became real, seriously real and I am about to freak. What is even MORE freaky than that? I have less than 25 lbs to lose to make it to goal. Do you know how easy it sounds to have to lose just 25 lbs??? (22.6 to be exact)

That's not really fair though. My goal weight is arbitrary, I had to pick something so I said 150 - it sounded like a great number to shoot for, after all that was 100 lbs from where I started. But we all know I am going until the HCG tells me to stop. And if it tells me to keep on going past 150, which I have a suspicion it will, I will keep on keepin' on!

The numbers don't lie:

Day 7 (Complete) - Round 4 = 6.40% Body Weight Loss
Day 7 (Complete) - Round 3 = 5.28% Body Weight Loss
Day 7 (Complete) - Round 2 = 3.54% Body Weight Loss
Day 7 (Complete) - Round 1 = 3.75% Body Weight Loss

Everyone, say it with me: BIZ IS KICKING BUTT AND TAKING NAMES! HA!

Success in 21 Days

You folks have all heard it: "Try it for 30 days, if your not completely satisfied, you get your money back" or better yet this one is from the software industry: "Try this piece of software for 30 days before you have to make a commitment to buy". Ever wonder why companies offer this jewel?

It's because they are so sure of their product that they are convinced if you only TRY it, you will like it and then you will BUY it. That is simple logic and it works really well. Who in their right mind wouldn't try anything for free? Or with the promise that you can have your money back should it not live up to what you want.

I have approached telling people about HCG in real life using this little gem. There are several people right now (4 total) that I had a little talk with them to give HCG a try for 3 weeks. That is all I am asking, just 3 weeks out of your life to see if you can handle the program. (Don't worry, I explain to them the whole 26 day thing)

My reasoning is this. We all know that it takes 21 days for us to develop new habits. If they give this protocol a chance for 21 days, they are going to see miraculous results, and I know they will want to continue.

Those of us that have 100 or more pounds to lose, even with this protocol, the end seems so daunting. But if you split it up into 20 lbs increments (very realistic on 21 days - especially if you are heavier), then to think you could lose 20% of what you need to in just 3 weeks, OMG - that is simply miraculous.

And really, who couldn't follow this plan for just 21 days??? We ALL know it's pretty simple those first 3 weeks. Shoot the weight loss itself is a huge motivator! Getting on the scale every day and seeing losses big and small convinces us to do another day. And if we commit to only 21 days, the end of the phase is in sight and it makes it that much easier to maintain control!

Our minds are funny things. Yes, we have to play around with them to get them to work in the way we ultimately want to go. When you think, geesh, I only have 14 more days to go, smcak, that's EASY! When you think, I can stop injections in 14 days and eat what I want (reasonably), you're like BRING IT ON.

When you let your mind focus on the baby steps of the future, but the big pictures of the past - it's amazing how much stronger our commitment is. And what I know will happen at the end of those 21 days, they will be like, sign me up for another week! I just know it, don't you???

Once people live this life for 21 days, see that it is indeed possible to live (and lose) on 500 cals, see their bodies begin to transform, they are SOLD. Lock, stock and barrel. If they follow the program, I can guarantee them results. Miraculous results. SUCCESS!

Of course, I don't tell them they can get their money back. MUHAHAHAHA!!!

What do you think?

On to my commenter's - these are my responses to yesterday's comments:

Lili - I just love the way you threw that "BTW - I'm starting P2 today" - like I wouldn't notice it or something??? Sorry I missed your phone call yesterday, will get with you today!

Monica - yeah! I remember that dream you had. And when I woke up and thought about mine, my mind immediately went to yours and I was like, is there something to this? I am wondering if your right, if when our sleep is interrupted, does our losing process interrupted too? Interesting.

Marshall - It all ties together doesn't it??? Well, I had a great nights sleep last night and had a pretty powerful weight loss today, so maybe you can play "catch up"?

Ed and Jenn - OH YEAH! That was YOU with the Mt Dew! LOL - I forgot about that! We are cyber connected, how weird is that??? I was shocked to find out JPS weighs herself multiple times during the day. ROFL

Wendy - ME and SLEEP? Let me just tell you this, I have ALWAYS needed my sleep to function. In high school I used to come home and take a nap even before I could do my homework. And still I was in bed by 9pm. I wish I could survive on less sleep. Geesh, life would be grand!

Mary - Like Wendy said, it's all subjective. The trick is to find out what YOUR needs are and then MEET them!

BB - Nice to have you back again! I think you may be right on the REM thing, that is when most of the restful sleep comes from, probably letting the body processes that are important take over.

Becca - Do you find yourself a bit more sleepy on HCG (after the first week that is) then off? I do. During my 2nd round I noticed it more than any other so far. I just had really REALLY good sleep. Like making up for lost time or something???
Make it a good one people!



Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's what I've told people -- just try it for one round. All the "what ifs" -- "what if I can't stay on just 500 calories, what if I cheat, etc ....." I reply that you can do just aout anything for only 3 weeks.

Yea on your weightloss!!!!!

Wendy said...

WOW! I think you are the new infomercial mama!!! Move over KT!!

You crack me up and put things in such a great light!! Sunshine and Rainbows!!!



Ed & Jennifer said...

No, you aren't kicking butt you are kicking A**! Biz, each round keeps getting better and better! Girlfriend I think the dream of you weighing 128 will be a reality-can you imagine?!

Well you know I'm already bugged today so your topic stirred up more "bugged" feelings for me because there has only been 1 person who has asked how we are losing our weight. I know I've mentioned it before but I've tried getting family to "see the light" but so far there has been zero interest! It's like having the "golden ticket" and nobody wanting it! All I want to do is help, but you can't help people who don't want to help themselves! It's okay, this is all part of the journey and soon enough someone is going to grab that ticket and take this opportunity to change their lives like all of us have. I mean who could "try" this and not be hooked?

applebottomblues said...

You are SERIOUSLY kicking A**! You've got me beat. When's the next picture day?

I've only really told my mom and sister who both struggle with their weight, but I've tried so many things that have failed that I think they're waiting for the other shoe to drop. That's ok... they'll get it eventually because I'm going to be living proof that this works.

Renee said...

Congrats on the big loss, girl. As always, you're such an inspiration and are doing so fantastically. I'm so proud of you.

Also, I totally agree that these 21 day rounds are the way to go. It feels good to take this mini-break, even though I'm already itching to get back on P2. HA!

Becca said...

Well Biz, so much for me getting a good night's sleep tonight! It's almost midnight and I wasn't going to make the blog rounds but I couldn't resist taking a peek at yours and it was worth staying up a little longer for! Great post and good approach to present to potential losers!
And cool beans about the big loss today!

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