Wednesday, October 10, 2007

October 10, 2007 - Day 25 of VLCD (Round Two)

Round 2 Starting Weight 214.4
Yesterday 195.0
Today 194.6
.4 Lost Overnight
19.8 Lost Since Start of Round Two (VLCD) 09/16/07
56.2 Lost Since Start of Protocol (VLCD) 06/26/07

Here is my menu.


A sunshiny good morning to all of you readers out there!

First, I think I discovered my "no go" problem. Last week sometime (the beginning) I decided to give up apples. I am quite frankly sick of them. What I have been doing is substituting my tomato - treating it as a fruit - and using that as a salad for dinner most days. Lettuce and tomato. Not having my apple has sure played havok with my insides. That is ONE thing I have done different since the start of this protocol. I was even eating an apple a day during my phase three and had really good "morning routines" - so, guess what? It's back to the APPLE a day for me! No matter how much I am OVER them now! ROFL (Shout out to Ju out there that was chatting with me when I made THAT realization!)

Second - Martha and I were chatting a bit yesterday and we both had this thing about raiding our closets - we didn't know each other was doing it, but we just did. I have this Denim Skirt - it's been with the family, no joke, for over 15 years. It was my sisters (YES MISS LILLY "THAT" SKIRT!) - but it's mine now. It's a Jordache Denim Skirt - and it looks OH SO 80's! I don't care. It's my absolute favorite skirt in the whole world. It's one of those things that has been in my closet for the longest time, thru 5 separate moves - always a wishing and a hoping that one day I would again be small enough to fit in it.

For kicks yesterday, I took it out. I was like, let me try it on. This is a size 13/14 mind you - and a tight waist with a full skirt. OMG - I could BUTTON IT! Mind you, I couldn't breathe very well, but I could BUTTON it and I could ZIP IT UP! OMG! I could wear it! WOW - that totally freaked me out. Another 5 - 10 pounds, this thing will fit awesome! Which is too cool because after this round I will be at around that weight for a good two months before I start my next round!

Needless to say, I was FLYING HIGH yesterday afternoon!

Third - I had a little conversation with Renee yesterday - I write my posts so early in the morning that I don't really say everything that I meant to say, and say it the way I really mean to say it. HUH? Renee helped me to understand that.

About the pictures yesterday, I know some people are leary of putting anything up on the internet - I totally understand that. What I really meant about the pics is, why not just take them for yourselves? Take them so that you have a record of the amazing journey you went thru. Take them, because when your at goal, and you want to prove to someone this works, you can slam out your pics and say, look at what I DID IN JUST THIS TIME! Take them because you will be so glad you did when you get to goal. It's a fantastic journey. It's a life altering change. It's your "testimony".


Ok...I gotta get off this thing. I will chat with you folks tomorrow!



Amy's Blog said...

Another day of sunshine for you. That's incredible that you fit into 13/14! Don't worry about the breathing part. :-) I think when we are all through we should put our pics together & be the HCG calendar girls ;-D Hope you have another great day!

beachbrights said...

Love the picture of you in that skirt!!! Way to go girl!!!! Screw breathing and look great!

Amie said...

How excited are you about how close together those numbers are getting on your ticker?? Ahh!! :D

BizBuzz said...

Amy! - I so am with you on the Calender Girl thing! WOO HOO FOR US!

cb9094 - Thanks! LOL

Amie! - no kidding! It feels GREAT!

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