Wednesday, October 31, 2007

October 31, 2007 - Day 1 on Phase 3 (R2)

Last Injection Weight - 187.4
Today's Weight 187.4
0 Loss/Gain

Here is my menu for yesterday.


Well lookie there, I am starting status quo today. I have been this weight since Sunday morning, how funny is that? Am I stable already? HA! NO! Well today shall prove to be the day! What is it that I want?

Absolutely NOTHING, except a banana, a steak with fat and a beer. And not necessarily in that order! ROFL!!!

But really, I have to go out shopping this morning and get some stuff, because as of this moment, this house is empty of anything nutritious that isn't something from my 500 cal protocol. Gee, I hope that banana lives up to expectations.

Going to our county fair this weekend. This should prove to be interesting. Anyone that has ever been to a fair knows that this could prove to be disastrous for any one on a specific eating plan. But seriously? I only want one thing, and one thing only. A gyro. I don't want the elephant ears (usually to die for) or the funnel cakes, or the cheesy fries. I will probably grab a turkey leg to munch on and then I will splurge with a gyro in the evening. If I have to do a steak day the next day, it will be worth it.

Or will it? I begin to wonder if I will ever like the things I once liked before with the intensity that I liked them. Maybe that is the difference. The intensity. There is really no longer any emotion attached to the food I eat. Having been on this protocol for two rounds now I can honestly say something has changed dramatically in respects to my food and my emotions. I felt it last round, especially going thru P3, but this round, especially the last few weeks, it's been hard to be excited about food.

Sure, I talk about my banana and how much I want it. But really? A banana? Not a donut? What is up with that? A banana? Not a Snickers bar? Seriously, is this me? Where am I and where did the aliens take me? I went thru a McDonalds drive thru yesterday to pick my daughter up a snack and the smell that came out of the window was positively gross. And that smell used to start those glands working for me to grab the french UGH No thank you.

Is this how skinny people act? Is this what they feel? Is this how they live their days? This is a change of life and perception for me. Something I am slowly beginning to feel and to realize. And you know what folks, you most assuredly CAN teach an old dog new tricks. It can happen.

I am 187.4 pounds today. By no stretch of the imagination am I 'skinny', but by golly, I am starting to think like a skinny person. Its absolutely awesome. New. But still awesome.

I had a meeting to attend last night. Now I go three times a week to this meeting. I have to dress appropriately, skirt and blouse, you know, professional. Last night I had to spend almost a half an hour finding something for me to wear. I am no longer satisfied with looking "frumpy" and just throwing on anything to hide my fat. I want to look presentable, and flatter my thinning body. Mostly everything I put on was too big. It hid me. I am no longer that person that wants to hide.

I stand tall, I look ahead. I attract conversation now, no, not just because of my weight, but I must look more like a person that wants to have a conversation. People perceive me differently because I perceive myself differently. I have this aura (for lack of a better word) of a confident and sure person, and people are attracted to that, it's like they want a piece of that. I don't mind, I have been hiding way too long and this feels good.

It's scary, yes, but it's a good scary.

I am even considering taking a course in Portuguese, to learn the language. What is up with that? I want to be able to help the growing Portuguese population that is in our area and would love to service my heritage.

Truly a miracle this is, thank you again Dr Simeon's. Thank you for your genius.

Biz (who is just a bit profound this morning, don't know where that came from)


Anonymous said...

It's exciting and also a little scary to lose that attachment to food, isn't it? I think you're right on the money -- you don't stop liking food, the intensity just isn't there. I really felt that on P3 -- I was disappointed that I didn't find food the end-all-be-all I thought it would be, once off P2. I think that might have been part of the reason I wanted off it after 2 weeks -- I was bored, dieappointed, and ready to finish the job of losing my excess weight.

As usual, your post is insightful.

Amy's Blog said...

Well, your weight sure likes to be right where is! Maybe it will stay there!

That's so cool that you want only certain things & that some of the unhealthy foods are unappealing! What a huge gift that is!!!

I know what you mean about wanting to dress nicer. And wanting to connect more with others. Another gift!

Hope you find a ripe banana & that it tastes GREAT!

Wendy said...

You crack me up, Girly!! "Positively gross smell" I love reading your blog everyday!

Enjoy Phase III and do some shopping so your won't feel so frompy.. (o: I actually did exactly the same thing... Was able to buy a size 10 pair of jeans!

Happy days, sunshine!!

Crystal Lee said...

Hey girl well I personally like your profound moments. :) But like you guys said...losing that attachment to food. Now, the day when my attachment to cheese ends will be the miracle day. So far I am still craving like a fool but that is okay. No sugar, breads, carbs, etc. Just cheese. I think I can handle that. :P Like I said I think I see many steak days coming my way. HAHA! :P

Well girlie girl thanks for your help and support. You are a beautiful individual. :D


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