Saturday, October 13, 2007

October 13, 2007 - Day 28 of VLCD (Round Two)

Round 2 Starting Weight 214.4
Yesterday 194.0
Today 193.0
1.0 Lost Overnight
21.4 Lost Since Start of Round Two (VLCD) 09/16/07
57.8 Lost Since Start of Protocol (VLCD) 06/26/07

Here is my menu.


First let me say WOO HOO FOR ME! Another one bites the dust!!!

Second, let me come clean and say BAD BAD BIZ! I didn't eat ANY fruit yesterday - I had ground beef and tomatoes/lettuce all day - how bad is that? I just couldn't face another piece of fruit yesterday. I had these really weird wild cravings yesterday that I totally cannot explain.

My cravings were for pure protein. In fact, I wanted a huge ground beef patty with mayo! That was my craving. I didn't want anything sweet, and really nothing salty which used to be my number one craving. I wanted a huge hamburger patty with mayo! How weird is that? So I stuck with ground beef yesterday WITHOUT the mayo and this morning I am already feeling better.

Except for the fact that I still haven't GONE! UGH - this is so unusual for me! I am NOT liking this I tell you! I took Smooth Move again, now this makes three times this round so far. I thought it was the lack of apples that was making me not go - but I went back to apples and NOTHING. UGH - so it's back to the tea, and yet so far this morning not even THAT is working!


So what is with the pound loss this late in the game??? WOWZERS! I am THRILLED mind you!!!

Tomorrow is picture and measurement day!

Miss Sunshine


Amy's Blog said...

YAY!!!!! A whole pound and you haven't GONE??? That's is BIG! I have to rely on 'going' for my losses. lol!!

It was thrilling to see the 193. I see 190 in your furture! :-)

Did the ommission of fruit make you more tired or anything? I wonder what those cravings mean... maybe a cigar is just a cigar & it just means you want more protein lol!

Congratulations on your loss. Oh happy day for you, Biz!!!!!

Renee said...

Woo! You're getting so close to the 180s! It seems like only yesterday you were just under 200. AMAZING!!!

Amie said...

Ooooo... Naaauuuughty Biiiiz.... LOL j/k Give your body what it wants, I guess! If the protein satisfied you, then rock on. :) It's only one day, so not the end of the world, right??

You're not the only one with the 'going' issue. We're having some of the same, but I've got some herbal tea that should bust right through all of THAT. lol Awesome to see another 1 lb. today, you must be doing the right things. Congrats on another successful day Miss Biz - see you tomorrow!

BizBuzz said...

Amy! - I know seriously! A whole pound and I didn't go! What is UP WITH THAT??? OMG - today I was 191.8 - how close am I now?!?!

No, the omission of fruit did not do anything different to me. I think your right, I was just listening to my body, gave it what it needed and it paid me in kind!

Renee! - OMG! Can you believe it??? How many milestones can this round give me! I WILL TAKE THEM ALL!

Amie! - I am curious to know if your tea worked. I hate taking Smooth Move - I hate the way it makes me feel. I will be watching your progress to see how it goes.

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