Friday, October 12, 2007

October 12, 2007 - Day 27 of VLCD (Round Two)

Round 2 Starting Weight 214.4
Yesterday 194.6
Today 194.0
0.6 Lost Overnight
20.4 Lost Since Start of Round Two (VLCD) 09/16/07
56.8 Lost Since Start of Protocol (VLCD) 06/26/07

Here is my menu.


Any loss is a good loss!

I completely forgot to eat my 'other' fruit yesterday, bad bad Biz! What I did eat was Chicken with Napa Cabbage for lunch, and Catfish and Onions for dinner. I am really not feeling creative these days - just eating to get thru the day. Not bored with food, but really couldn't care less about it. I do enjoy my coffee in the morning tho!

Ok, looking over the last round I am actually doing better, but it doesn't look that way with the numbers. Let's look!

1st Round

Weight Loss - 22.4
Avg Per Day - 0.86
Percent of Body Weight Lost - 8.93%

2nd Round

Weight Loss - 20.4
Avg Per Day - 0.78
Percent of Body Weight Lost - 9.51%

Ok, so even tho I am losing less than last round, and less per day, look at the total body weight loss, that is awesome! Oh it pays to keep records! WOO HOO FOR ME! Altho, it better hurry on up - I have 6.2 more pounds to lose to reach my goal and only 15 more days to do it in. Let's see...that's an average of .41 a day!!! Come on body! Let's GO! Let's LOSE!!!

Ok...sorry, can't stay too long today. Yes another day that I am "Room Mother" at my daughters school! Hope everyone has a grand and beautifully sunshiny day! Remember, picture and measurement day is Sunday!



Amie said...

Woo HOO Biz!! Way to bust out of that little stall! Your goal is totally do-able, and believe it or not, I am inspired by your lack of enthusiasm about your food! Right now I'm pretty enthusiastic about what I "get" to eat, so the thought of possibly not caring at some point gives me a lot o hope. Keep on pluggin' sister!

Amy's Blog said...

Hooray! You lost more than half a pound! A full 20 lbs DOWN the toidy! :-) Have fun being room mother today! It's Friday, so I would imagine everyone will be in a good mood.

Renee said...

Yeah, really. I wouldn't mind those supposed "little" losses when you look at that percentage lost! Holy shrinking woman! You GO!!!

Renee said...

Also, I stole your Personal Stats widget. Imitation = flattery, dontchaknow! ;)

BizBuzz said...

Amie! - I did didn't I??? You will get to this point I assure you. It will happen!

Amy! - The toidy! HA! Too cool! Room mother was fun, but dang, I give so much kudos to teachers! WHEW!

Renee! - HA! Now you get to watch me for a couple weeks while YOUR on Phase 3 and be jealous of MY losses, like I was jealous of YOUR losses while I was on MY phase 3! ROFL

Too cool on stealing the stat thing - I am totally HONORED!

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